

So Sugar got angry at her computer at the office and so did what any self-respecting gal would do, Sugar bailed and went to Target for the beginning of the

Xmas Tree Obsession Extravaganza!

Now dear readers (both of You!) you know all about Sugar's Xmas Tree obsession

1) Decide color of obsession

2) Buy all new ornaments in that color

3) Moratorium on any package under the tree out of sync with the color scheme

4) On and on

Sugar had a wild thought in Target that maybe we'll skip the tree this year and do something unique - like a Festivas Pole!

How about one of these

He's about three feet tall and we could surround him with other Arctic paraphernalia and wrap presents in black and white only

Or how about

With blue packages!!!!

Splenda and Honey - send your thoughts.

This isn't big enough to decorate and adorn with gifts but Sugar sure did like this little number

Apparently Sugar has stumbled upon Target's new Butch Fairy line of holiday gifts

1 comment:

Shane said...

Oh Sugar, I really like the butch Nutcracker idea. What a sight to come home to on Christmas Eve. Not sure about the penguin, but I do like the idea of black and white. Have you ever done black and white? Sounds splendid to Splenda.